(480) 719-5535
6 Sessions One-on-One
1 – 90-minute discovery call
6 – 60-minute sessions
Define and assess current goals
Create a Blueprint to Overcome Obstacles
Road map to achieve your goals
Healing the past to create the future you desire
Personality assessment
Learn how to let go of the limiting beliefs by learning to forgive and live in gratitude
Unlimited text and email support between sessions
Supporting forms and materials to help you grow
Priority scheduling
Significant discount from per session price
Access to our private Facebook group
Recordings of all sessions
Referral bonuses
12 Sessions One-on-One
1 – 90-minute discovery call
12 – 60-minute sessions
Define and assess current goals
Create a Blueprint to Overcome Obstacles
Road map to achieve your goals
Healing the past to create the future you desire
Personality assessment
Learn how to let go of the limiting beliefs by learning to forgive and live in gratitude
Unlimited text and email support between sessions
Supporting forms and materials to help you grow
Priority scheduling
Significant discount from per session price
Access to our private Facebook group
Recordings of all sessions
Referral bonuses
The subconscious mind is the master of our lives, even though we can’t see or hear it most of the time.
The thought patterns laid out in the subconscious were put there years ago, when you were younger, usually through times of massive emotions or pains.
Using many different modalities to reach your subconscious mind, we can rewrite your negative belief systems and improve your mental health, well-being, and personal success.
USA (480) 719-5535 or Israel +972-58-681-0883
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